Cold Steel Battle Gim (88FG) |
Points: 25
The Battle Gim is forged from our best DAMASCUS STEEL by talented smiths, it features a broad symmetrical point and a slightly wider, heavier blade than custom would dictate. This gives it a more pronounced blade-heavy balance making its twin razor-sharp edges slightly more suitable for cutting and slashing than thrusting.
The attractive Rosewood hilt is framed by a blackened iron guard and pommel. They're embellished with an intricate filigree of traditional Chinese Peony flowers and leaves. The matching Rosewood scabbard is styled in a similar fashion on its chape, throat and ring mounts.
Sword Cold Steel Gim Sword (88G) |
Points: 15
There are two basic types of straight bladed swords used in China. One is fairly long and heavy known as the Wu Jian or "Martial Sword". The other is substantially lighter and called a Wen Jian or "Scholar's Sword" and was primarily carried for personal self defense.
Cold Steel Sword Jade Lion Gim (88RLG) |
Points: 35
The Lion Gim is a civilian self-defense Wen Jian (Scholar�s Sword), with a little more panache than the practical versions (like our own Gim Sword) that were made for the battlefield. In our tests it severed and pierced 4" bamboo poles with a single cut or thrust.
Tags: martial arts, katana, iaito, sword, fencing, tonfa, boken, bokken, kama, shinai, samuraj, judo, karate, kenjutsu, kenjitsu, ninja, kungfu,